Frequently asked questions

How to find the desired product

1) Click on the different available sections to find multiple categories: type of wine, region, awarded…

2) You may use the search bar: “Search in store…” and write the name of the product, manufacturer, harvest year, etc. From there you will find the available products.

3) In case you don’t find what you are looking for you can contact us and let us help you.

How can I contact Catandovino

You will find all contact information at the footer or email us If you intend to pay us a visit, a map is also available for you to locate our shop in Azkoitia.

How can I be notified of your new products and sales?

By subscribing to our newsletter you will get all our special promotions, campaigns and news » Subscribe to our newsletter. You won´t be disturbed with email bombing or Spam emails, no worries.

Who are the people behind Catandovino?

Odriozola Ardoak was founded in 1965. It has been a family business since then, spreading all over our wine knowledge and passion, bringing the best wines and liquors to our customers with a superb service. Nonetheless, we try and keep the same phylosophy at Catandovino.

Why should I register in Catandovino?

The registry to Catandovino gives to all clients access to their order history, status and tracking of said orders. It also allows to save your favorite products in the menu “My Favorites”.